page 224 - 228 extraction from Yarra Range Planning Scheme
22.11-3 Policy
24/05/20067 C66
It is policy that:
Buildings and works generally be contained on land that:
Has a slope of less than 20 percent (a ratio of 1 in 5).
Is not liable to flooding.
Is not subject to subsidence or landslip.
Any development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, and be of a scale
and design that respects the environmental and built elements of the surrounding area.
Any development not adversely impact on the natural environment of the land or the
surrounding land or watercourses, by ensuring that:
Earthworks, filling and excavations are properly stabilised, battered and landscaped
predominantly with indigenous vegetation so that soil erosion and runoff are
The natural drainage system, including nearby watercourses, sub-surface drainage
and the water table, is not adversely affected.
Building setbacks in a Residential 1 Zone, Low Density Residential Zone,
Green Wedge A Zone and Rural Living Zone
Building setbacks, height, site coverage and design enable the efficient use of the site,
whilst also recognising the amenity of the surrounding residents, and the residential and
environmental character of the area.
The development be set back a reasonable distance from common boundaries with
adjoining residential properties, to ensure the protection of the residential amenity and,
where appropriate, provide for the establishment of an effective landscape buffer.
The setback distance be sufficient to ensure that:
There will be no adverse impact on adjoining properties.
Daylight to adjoining habitable rooms will not be significantly reduced.
Buildings will not significantly overshadow neighbouring secluded private open
spaces or main living areas.
Windows of buildings will not directly overlook habitable room windows of
adjoining properties.
The development will not increase the impact of the proposal on surrounding land
There will be no increase in the impact of the development on existing remnant
Building setbacks from road frontages:
Generally reflect the development setbacks on adjoining properties.
Have regard to the need to avoid the removal of vegetation.
Be consistent with the overall character of development within the locality.
If frontage of the site is to a minor road, any building be set back at least 7.5 metres
from that frontage, and if frontage is to a main road, the building be set back at least 10
metres from that frontage.
Building height in a Residential 1 Zone, Low Density Residential Zone, Green
Wedge A Zone and Rural Living Zone
The construction of a dwelling or an extension to an existing dwelling:
Be of a height that is below the tree canopy level and take into account the height of
surrounding development, the slope of the land and the impacts on views into the
land from adjacent viewpoints.
Not result in any part of that building being more than 11 metres above the natural
surface of the ground directly below that part.
This does not apply to a domestic television or telecommunications facility or a
chimney, flue pipe or heating or cooling appliance.
Landscape character and neighbourhood amenity
Any development proposal demonstrate that the proposed buildings and works will not
compromise the landscape and environmental qualities of the surrounding area, or
substantially change the natural land form.
All development be designed and sited to:
Have regard to the built form and to maintain design consistency with surrounding
development and avoid detriment to the local environment.
Recognise the land capability of the site in terms of slope, land subsidence potential,
viewlines, enhancement of landscape values, protection of water resources, retention
of indigenous flora and fauna and associated wildlife habitats and other local
amenity considerations, and so as to be unobtrusive in the surrounding landscape.
Avoid the removal of remnant vegetation, particularly healthy trees above five
metres in height, and to minimise the disturbance to the root zone of such
Avoid prominent ridgelines, hill tops and other visually exposed sites.
The external surfaces, including roofs, of all buildings, except within Metropolitan
Residential Areas as identified in the local planning policy for Residential Areas
(Clause 22.01), be treated with non-reflective materials and subdued colours to reduce
the visual impact of the development on the surrounding area. This is particularly
necessary where any development is proposed to be located on a visually prominent
All development on land adjoining recreational trails, such as the Warburton Rail Trail,
be sited and designed to minimise the intrusion of any new development into views
from the trail and to retain the overall landscape character of the surrounding area.
Landscaping and visual amenity
On the completion of any development, the site be landscaped to protect and enhance
the residential amenity, landscape character and any environmental features of the area.
The landscaping be planted within 12 months of the practical completion of the
development or works and then be maintained to the satisfaction of the responsible
In all areas outside the Urban Growth Boundary and in localities in residential zones
which contain a tree canopy cover of mostly remnant vegetation, preference be given to
landscaping using predominantly indigenous vegetation appropriate to the site,
including upper, middle and lower storey plant species.
All roads, including internal access tracks, be located, designed and constructed in a
manner compatible with surrounding landscape values and character and which
minimises soil erosion.
Provision of utility services
The provision of utility services required for any development, including drainage,
sewerage, water, electricity, gas, telephone, roads and driveway access, be undertaken
in the manner least likely to disturb remnant vegetation and the natural features of the
For the provision of drainage, sewerage, water, electricity, gas and telephone services,
the services be underground and, if possible, utilise common trenches. The location and
installation of these services should minimise impacts on indigenous vegetation and
other established trees.
All sewage and sullage wastes generated on the site be discharged to a reticulated
sewerage system, if available and, if not available, be treated and the effluent disposed
of within the site on which it is generated.
All on-site treatment of sewage and sullage wastes be carried out having regard to the
Environment Protection Authority's Code of Practice - Septic Tanks (On-Site Domestic
Wastewater Management), 1996.
Any permit for development where there is no reticulated sewerage contain a condition
requiring the septic tank and effluent disposal system (or any other waste treatment
plant) to be maintained to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.
Stormwater runoff, in excess of that which can be absorbed on the site, be conveyed by
drainage to the main drainage system for the area.
The construction of any building or the carrying out of any works be done in a manner
which addresses local drainage provision, stormwater treatment and flooding issues.
All roads and access tracks be located, designed, constructed and landscaped to:
Maintain the landscape values and character of the area.
Avoid pollution and siltation of watercourses, soil erosion and unmanaged drainage
discharges on to adjoining land.
Protection of waterways
Buildings and works be sited to avoid detriment to the ecology of any stream or
watercourse on or near the site and provide satisfactory drainage and stormwater
management measures.
No buildings, including associated waste treatment and effluent disposal facilities, be
constructed within 30 metres of a watercourse within a Green Wedge Zone, Green
Wedge A Zone, Rural Conservation Zone, Rural Living Zone, or a Farming Zone or
within 10 metres of a watercourse in any other zone.
Dams only be constructed if the:
Dam is required to provide water to supply agricultural or domestic needs on the
Construction of the dam will not result in the quantity or quality of water flows in
any watercourse or wetland being reduced to a level which will detract from the
value of any watercourse or wetland as a flora or fauna habitat, amenity feature or
source of water supply.
Design and siting of the dam will not result in dam failure or the creation of a
potential safety hazard to adjoining or nearby properties.
Dams not be constructed within 30 metres of a watercourse or on sites which would
result in the obstruction of any permanent watercourse or the destruction of any
indigenous wetland vegetation.
Any dam constructed be located at least 10 metres from any property boundary to
provide for landscaping and access for maintenance works.
Any dam constructed be appropriately landscaped with
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