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Thursday, October 29, 2009

ripple effect

Nov 07: Middle Park and Port Melb had 50% and 30% growth in the previous 12 months to Nov 06?
Nov 08: The adjoing suburbs on the bay Elwood, St Kilda and Elsternwick  had 18.2%, 35.3%, and 24.2% growth in the 12 months to Nov 08. All 2 suburbs's 10 year growth rate lie between 10-12%.
Sought after public school:
McKinon secondary college
Frankston high school
Reno value add tips:
1. Extra storage space:  BIR (double height hanging space and to get as compartmentalised as possible), vanity with cupboard, drawers into bathroom, cupboards under stairs, storage in attics, loft in garages,
2. put laundry in cupboard or under bench, and convert existing laundries into bathrooms with all the plumbing in place 
3. substitue or create a wall with shelving to separate two spaces
4 Shed: blend the shed in with the home and create a concrete based floor while installing suspended platforms in the ceiling for better storage and to keep as much off the floor as possible
5. The lighter the house feels, the more spacious and applealing it will seem to prospective buyers and renters (add skylight, or open up the back of the propert on the backyard with French or Sliding doors)

Room by room rental agent for Croydon

Benchmark Real Estate
03 9877 0555

I found a rental ad from them for a room by room leasing in Croydon.

sound proof walls

We are looking at a property that backs into a railway line. Apart from the concern for noise, everything else looks perfect.

I looked up online for a cheap and effective sound proof wall. Here is the search result:


They don't just do sound proof walls, the Ali wood fence makes the outside of the house so much better looking, and masonry looking "garden wall" certainly make the backyard with swimming pool now look million doors. Hm, fencing is a great cosmetic reno item - so, buy house with ugly front fences! (with a discount of course).

It says the garden wall is ideal for noise reduction from a main road too - must check it out!

Their victorian agents are:

* MelbourneModular Walls - Victoria Ph: 1300 556 957 Mobile: 0434 218 801 Email: gardenwallsvic@optusnet.com.au
* BendigoHeuron Screenline Pty Ltd Ph: 1800 001 653Email: sales@heuron.com.au

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Insurance broker (commercial, business, residential) - James Germantis 03 94694673